The Benefits of Italian Dual Citizenship
If you’re considering claiming your Italian citizenship jure sanguinis and not sure whether to take the plunge or not, you probably need to take a deeper look at the benefits of Italian dual citizenship. As with all nationalities, there are some perks that come with being a citizen. With Italy, however, those perks are a bit more special.
Thankfully, if you have Italian ancestors, are married to an Italian citizen, or have resided in Italy for more than the prescribed terms by law, these benefits are not out of reach for you.
Italian Dual Citizenship – 7 Benefits You Shouldn’t Miss Out On
So what are the benefits you get to enjoy with dual Italian citizenship? Let’s take a look at them, shall we?
1. The Freedom to Live and Invest in Italy
Besides sharing citizenship with great opera singers like Giuseppe Verdi and iconic car brands like Ferrari, being an Italian citizen also affords you the freedom to live and invest in Italy.
What this means is that as an Italian citizen, you will be able to invest in property and business anywhere in Italy and within the European Union. With regards to purchasing property in Italy as a citizen, the process, requirements, and transactions are much easier. Also, as an Italian citizen, you will enjoy tax discounts when purchasing property. For non-citizens, there are many hurdles to overcome in order to get residency and property in Italy.
As an Italian citizen, you will also enjoy hassle-free (relatively) investment processes. Doing business within the European Union as an Italian citizen is not only easier but also more profitable for you than it is for a non-citizen.
2. Get Easy Access Employment Opportunities
Being an Italian citizen will allow you to be able to access employment opportunities in Italy. However, the employment benefits of Italian dual citizenship aren’t restricted to Italy. As an Italian citizen, you are free to seek employment and residency in any European Union country.
Especially with the world becoming smaller and companies spreading their branches across continents, employers are beginning to favor employees with dual citizenship. It’s because there is less paperwork when sending such an employee on a business trip to a region in which they have citizenship. From a business standpoint, this pans out to fewer travel expenses bureaucratic hoops to jump through.
3. Low-Cost High-Quality Education
Italy’s laws state that “schools are open to everyone”. As one of the oldest patrons of education, it’s no surprise that the standards of education in Italy are among the highest in the world. For example, Italy is home to some of the oldest universities on the planet. For example, the University of Bologna (established in 1088) is one of the notable ones.
As an Italian dual citizenship holder, you can access free primary education and low-cost tertiary education. Compared to American higher education, which can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars per year, higher education in Italy is free or highly discounted. So whether it’s for yourself or your children, this is definitely one benefit of Italian dual citizenship you need to get.
4. Reconnect with Your Heritage and Culture
Nothing is as fulfilling as being connected to your culture and heritage, and this is one area that Italy is rich in. Italian dual citizenship will help you steep yourself in this rich cultural heritage, thereby allowing you the opportunity to discover your roots – and ultimately yourself.
If there’s one thing in life that everyone needs, it’s an identity. So go ahead and get your Italian citizenship and reconnect to your heritage and ancestry.
5. Access to State-funded Medical Services
Whether you struggle with poor health or are as fit as a fiddle, it’s important to have access to good medical services. In Italy, you get world-class medical services. As a matter of fact, Italy is ranked among the top 10 countries with the best health care systems in the world. It’s also classified among the healthiest. With Italian dual citizenship, not only do you get top class services, but you get free access to most state-run medical services.
Not planning on settling in Italy? No worries. With your citizen status, you still get access to medical services on your travels. This is way better than purchasing insurance as a traveler by a long shot.
However you look at it, medical insurance and medical services in Italy are amongst the most affordable and the best in the world. Now that’s a benefit you can’t miss out on if you have an opportunity to be an Italian citizen.
6. Easier International Travel
Italian dual citizenship has a major advantage when it comes to international travel – a powerful passport. Italy has one of the most powerful passports in the world. It is evidenced by the fact that as a bearer, you can travel visa-free to over 127 countries in the world.
Apart from easier international travel, with an Italian passport, you can take advantage of fast track passport control lines when traveling within the European Union. These are reserved for citizens of European Union member states, of which Italy is one.
Both the United States and Italy recognize dual citizenship. When you are entering the United States, use your American passport. When entering Italy, use your Italian passport.
7. Participate in National Reforms
As an Italian citizen, you will be able to take part in national reforms. You can also influence the future of Italy by being able to vote in elections. Italian dual citizenship gives you legal and electoral rights to have a say and make an impact. That is an honor and a privilege a small percentage of the world can claim to have.
Ready to Enjoy the Benefits of Italian Dual Citizenship?
Ready to enjoy all the benefits that Italian dual citizenship offers you? Getting Italian citizenship may not be the easiest of processes, but it definitely is worth it.
Shoot us an email and we will tailor a unique package to help you get your Italian dual citizenship. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]