
IIt goes without saying that everyone’s family story is different. This means that there are no two identical applications for Italian dual citizenship. We’ve tried to put together general information that applies to the most people possible here. However, we could not include all the exceptions to all the rules. If you have any further questions and need personalized help, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

How we’ve come up with this guide

After more than 10 years of being in the business, we’ve found the following steps to be common across most applications for Italian dual citizenship. If you follow the instructions here and are diligent about your paperwork, getting Italian dual citizenship is simply a matter of collecting documents, handing them in, and then waiting.

Step 1: Do you qualify for Italian dual citizenship?

Before you can do anything else, you need to figure out if you qualify for Italian dual citizenship.

Step 2: Make an appointment right away

It may seem silly to make your appointment before you gather your documents, but it’s not.

As of November 2018, some consulates have a 9-year wait just for appointments!

So, unless you live within the jurisdiction of one of the quicker consulates (like Detroit), you’ll have a loooooong wait. Having the appointment not only means you have snagged a coveted spot, it also gives you a timeframe and a goal to work towards.

Sometimes it takes a while to get certain documents. New Jersey and Pennsylvania, for example, can take months to respond. In New York State (outside the 5 boroughs) you need a court order to get the birth certificate of a deceased relative. You don’t want to wait a long time to gather everything, only to have to wait more time for your appointment.

So, it’s always best to have your documents prepared well in advance and to have your appointment ready.

Step 3: Choose your ancestor and gather the correct documents

Decide which ancestor you’ll use for your application. Be sure to collect the right documentation.

In order to find the right documentation you’ll need, go to your local consulate’s website and follow their instructions to a tee.

Step 4: Organize your documents and fill out the required forms

Organize all of your documents neatly for your appointment. Make sure that you also include the required forms from your specific consulate. These are usually called “Form 1,” “Form 2,” “Form 3,” “Form 4,” etc. Each consulate has these forms on their website. Organize all of your documents neatly for your appointment. Make sure that you also include the required forms from your specific consulate. These are usually called “Form 1,” “Form 2,” “Form 3,” “Form 4,” etc. Each consulate has these forms on their website.

Step 5: Go to your appointment

This is the second to last step! At your application, the consular officer will look over your documents to make sure you have everything you need. Be sure to make copious notes in case you do need to provide more documents or you need to correct the ones that you have. By the end of your appointment, you will either have handed in your documents and gotten a receipt, or you will get a list of items to correct. Be sure to correct the items as quickly as you can. There is a 300 euro fee for the application at your consulate. This fee is not refundable no matter the outcome of your application.

Note: The consulate will most likely take your documents, so plan ahead if you want to keep your own extra copies.

Step 6: Congratulations! You’re an Italian citizen

After a successful application, you’ll need to wait an undetermined amount of time. During this time, the consulate will check their internal records to make sure that nobody in your family renounced their right to Italian citizenship. Also during this time, your ancestral comune will transcribe your birth, marriage, and death records for the family. Once you receive a positive result, the consulate will issue your official citizenship paperwork, including a letter and a certificate of citizenship. Then, you can use your transcribed records to enroll in A.I.R.E. (Registry of Italians Living Abroad) and make your passport appointment. Once you have your passport, you’re in! Welcome to the Italian citizen club.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]