When you qualify for Italian citizenship by descent, there are many reasons to seek recognition. One major benefit is that once you become recognized and have obtained that coveted Italian passport, you also automatically become an EU citizen.

What it Means to Be an EU Citizen

Rather than a nationality, EU citizenship is a status.

This status gives you the right to move and live freely in the European Economic Area which includes the 27 member states. It also includes Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway. Holders of an Italian passport can also live and work in Switzerland. This brings the total to 31 possible places where you can live.

For the sake of convenience, this post includes Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, and Norway when talking about member states.

What Are Your General Rights as an EU Citizen?

• You’ll enjoy non-discrimination on the basis of nationality in any member state. Once you live in another member state, you enjoy all the same rights and protections as nationals from that country.
• You can move and reside freely in any member state.
• You are allowed to vote and stand as a candidate in European Parliament and municipal elections.
• Consular protection. As an EU citizen in distress you will be helped by the embassy or consulate of any other EU country outside the EU where they have no embassy or consulate of their own country.
• You can petition the European Parliament and complain to the European Ombudsman.
• You can launch or support a European citizen’s initiative.
• You can contact and recieve a response from any EU institution in one of the EU’s official languages.
• Access to the European Parliament, European Commission and Council documents under certain conditions
• Lastly, all EU citizens have equal access to the EU Civil Service.

Italians Can Work in the EU

After recognition as an Italian citizen and obtainment of a valid Italian ID or passport, you can live and work in any EU member state.

When you choose to reside in another country, there are no requirements (other than the ID or passport) to live there for up to three months, although you may have to report your presence. This requires no fees and if you live in a hotel, the hotel will take care of it after you fill in a special form.

You will enjoy the same conditions and rights as nationals from the country you are looking for work. You can apply to any job vacancy, inlcuding public sector jobs, with the exception of jobs that involve safeguarding public order or interest of the state (e.g. the armed forces and the police). You would not need any further documents or permits to work within the EU. However, after the first three months you would need to regularize your stay according to your status (for example worker, self-employed, student, etc.). Click here for more specific information.


Once you become an Italian citizen, the entirety of the European Union opens up to you. An economy containing 550 million people, many different sectors and opportunities become much easier to work with. If you have an opportunity to work inside the EU, having an Italian passport will make the whole process that much easier! And you’re completely mobile. You can live, work, and study anywhere else in the EU without restriction. There’s no doubt about it: obtaining Italian citizenship is a good idea!