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One step away from getting your Italian Citizenship
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a fee to apply?
Yes. Every adult over the age of 18 must pay a 300 euro fee at the moment of their application. This fee is non-refundable regardless of the outcome of your application.
How do I become an Italian citizen?
It all starts with assessing your eligibility. The rules to qualifying are fairly simple and many people of Italian descent do qualify.
Once you qualify, you’ll need to prove your eligibility in black and white. That requires obtaining various vital records – birth, marriage, death, and naturalization – to recreate your family tree.
Then, your documents need to be translated and legalized with an apostille, which is a certification that makes your documents valid for use in Italy. You then go to a consular appointment (or apply directly in Italy) and wait up to 24 months for processing.
Once that’s done, your birth record gets transcribed in your family’s ancestral Italian town and you can then get an Italian passport.
How long does it take?
From start to finish, it may take 12-40 months.
Do I have to live in Italy?
Not unless you want to! If you are living outside Italy, you must apply for citizenship at the Italian consulate which services your jurisdiction.
However, you may elect residency in Italy and apply directly in the comune (town) of your choice.
Do I need to speak Italian?
No. If you qualify for Italian dual citizenship, you have been an Italian citizen since birth. Therefore, there is no language exam for those seeking Italian dual citizenship by descent.